DENIOS also offer a range of cleaning products including textile rags and cellulose cloths, sweepers for inside and outside, cleaning trolleys for liquid cleaners, cleaning fluids, spray cans and humidifiers, etc.
28 from 102 products shown
We have various liquid vacuum cleaners available to meet your needs. Our compact liquid suction devices vacuum lubricants, coolants and solids and are ideal for containing the spread of washing water, cooling liquids and oil. Products such as the Wet Vacuum Cleaner Pumpout vacuum surface dirt and empty tanks and pits. Our ATEX-compliant liquid vacuum cleaners are suitable for removing hazardous liquids, including washing and cooling water, oils, paints, slurries, glycol, diesel, lubricating oils and absorption products.
DENIOS UK also has many safety vacuum cleaners for vacuuming various classes of harmful dust. Our industrial vacuum cleaners are ideal for vacuuming asbestos, wood dust and carcinogenic dust that cause illnesses. These safety vacuum cleaners meet the applicable health, safety and noise reduction laws and are also available in an explosion-proof model.
We carry a broad variety of cleaning cloths that are suitable for all industrial sectors and work to clean and maintain production machines and tools. Our cleaning cloths are durable, washable and reusable, and they fully absorb oils and lubricants. Textile cotton cloths such as our Solvent Resistant Cleaning Cloths are soft and highly absorbent and are ideal for use with solvents, while our robust cellulose cloths are suited to all industrial sectors and automotive garages, especially for removing metal shavings and tidying very oily and dirty rooms.
DENIOS UK offers an extensive range of spray cans and plunger cans for securing humidification sponges and rags. Our spray cans, including the Stainless Steel Spray Can, permit you to economically spray a measured amount of liquid on the surfaces and parts that you wish to clean. Our spray and plunger cans are available in both stainless steel and polyethylene.
We ensure that our customers can easily choose from a selection of cleaning devices and trolleys. Our cleaning devices include magnetic brushes and gripping jaws. We offer cleaning trolleys in models with either one trash container or two trash containers.
DENIOS UK stands behind our surface cleaning products with a 30-day return policy and a warranty of up to four years. We offer free delivery as part of our terms and conditions. Our company also strives to offer a reliable quality assurance system as well as excellent customer service. Feel free to contact our engineers or technical support team if you should have any questions about our products or services. Our customer service representatives are always able to respond to your concerns quickly and reliably.
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